Cara Whitney

Cara had one of my dream jobs: a morning radio personality. I only had the pleasure of doing that job for a blink of an eye but she did it for decades and that’s where she met her husband.  Fun fact: Cara is the wife to Larry the Cable Guy! His real name is Dan Whitney but she lovingly calls him Beedy, for his beady little eyes (which is hilarious because Cara swears if you never noticed Dan’s eyes, you definitely will now!)

In her devotional, Unbridled Faith: 100 Devotions from the Horse Farm, you get a peek of how both of their spiritual lives intertwined and brought them to where they are today. Cara wasn’t a Christian when she and Dan met. As a son of a preacher, Dan’s upbringing was totally opposite.

We connect on health issues, specifically Thyroid disease, Hashimotos, heavy metal poisoning, and potentially kooky doctors. Cara and I both have seen God work in our lives through our health struggles and maybe you feel the same way. For those who daily travel the road of health problems, you will totally feel part of this conversation.

Cara is a true evangelist. She loves the truth of the Lord and wants others to know it too!

As she opens up about her journey to accepting Christ, Cara gives stunning insight into a life and family that was ambivalent of God’s presence. As a kid, she remembers asking a parent if God existed and the answer was more about choosing the lesser of two evils rather than serving a God who loves us and desires us.

Cara talks about her time of seeking and searching for God. She fervently stated that nobody shared the love and power of Jesus with her. She was in her 20’s before she figured anything out about Christ and started to do a little of her own investigating.

At one point, Cara decided she wanted to see the death and resurrection of Jesus through the film, The Passion of the Christ.
When Cara watched the movie, she describes it similar to sneaking pornography: Alone, ashamed, in secret, and lying about it. In the past, Cara had made fun of Christians and thought of them as hypocrites. So to entertain the idea of believing that Jesus and his sacrifice was real, became a moment of choosing between something she knew she could be mocked for.
In the beginning of their relationship, Dan wasn’t walking with the Lord either. This part of her story is so interesting to me because I believe it brings more authenticity to her choice of faith. She didn’t choose God because her husband wanted her to or influenced her, but because she sought Him out on her own and found God to be everything she needed in life and more.

One of my favorite truth bombs Cara brings to the podcast was this:
How Christians behave has no bearing on wether or not the resurrection happened.
She tells us that this was a pinnacle thought for her when researching Jesus’ death on the cross.
Cara talks about the difference between choosing the intellectual fact that Jesus died for our sins and the heart change that comes from believing in the power of Jesus’ sacrifice.Cara said it’s her health problems that that encouraged her heart to soften and choose a relationship with God. With a possible diagnosis of colon cancer, Cara turned to God in a way that was new and unfamiliar to her.
With prayer and relationship with God being so foreign, Cara wrestled with how to authentically communicate with God. When she invited the Holy spirit into her life, connecting with God suddenly became easy and she dove in head first and never looked back.
Cara is now bold about her faith and believes very strongly that people need to hear the truth of God and his love:
God loves you, He’s seeking a relationship with you, and he’s putting the 99% aside to come after you.Cara’s book was a product of sharing the gospel with others on social media. She never planned to write a book, but instead the book was born out of witnessing on Facebook. Through the help of Arnie Cole, (CEO of Back to the Bible), these Facebook posts became Unbridled Faith.Cara LOVES connecting with other Christians because she is so “kingdom-minded”:  She imagines a life in heaven with all all the Christians that have crossed her path. She talks about how we will all be able to enjoy heaven together (eating whatever we want! Cheesecake and Ice Cream! And BREAD! Thank you Lord!) and fellowshipping together.Cara is so on fire for the Lord that she actually fears being comfortable again. The pain that we endure allows us to become so close to God that needing His presence means more than desiring comfort.We agree and are both thankful for the trials that God has given us because it becomes such a sweet lesson of what really matters. And it’s such a comfort to be under His wing no matter what trial or struggle (even if it’s just asking God for a good parking space!).If you love horses, you’ll love knowing all about Cara’s relationship with her horses. She says she’s 12 mouths to feed, two of which are donkeys. And her horses often teach her lessons of relationships with God.One example is trusting our God to provide what is best may not look like what we want, but it’s what we need.
In her story, Cara told us how she fed her horse treats over and over. This was giving the horse whatever it desired. Ultimately, this horse became sick. Just like we can easily become ill (physically or spiritually) if we got everything we ask for or want.
Cara’s devotional is so rich with truths and would make a wonderful gift. Cara calls it an evangelism piece, especially if you have a love of horses. She wants her book to be a passion piece, a link in the chain to salvations, just like Passion of the Christ was for her.