Tim Ezell

{{This episode was released simultaneously with Virginia Kerr’s episode! You’ll want to make sure to catch both of them!}}
Tim Ezell is a familiar face if you live in St. Louis. As a TV journalist, he made us laugh for nearly 20 years amidst the heavy and necessary stories we catch on the early morning news. Tim has always been associated with levity and has been a bright spot to our mornings. We’ve watched him use goofy tactics, physical comedy, props and costumes to share a fun and light aspect to tv news. While Tim has always given us something to smile about, his own personal story of struggle may surprise you… and then, intrigue you. Tim became an alcoholic starting in 8th grade. In our time together, Tim gives us insight into why he chose alcohol as a coping mechanism and how it was masking who he really was.
God worked a miracle for Tim through a family member that also struggled with alcoholism. His favorite uncle had just completed two years of sobriety and became a mentor to him. God provided many individuals, including his dad, along the way that helped him have a real heart change away from alcohol and toward Christ.
Tim fully embraces the idea of Constantly Under Construction as he says that God is never done with him. God continues to work through him. The pull to work in ministry was a seed that was planted many many years before he became a pastor at a church. Tim knew that he was already in ministry when he worked on TV news, but God told him it was time to step away. And in that, he saw God stripping away things that weren’t meant to be part of his life and God’s plan. And it was a process of finding his identity in Christ. When it comes to identity, Tim reminds us that God works in our lives when we step into who we really are. Walking into the role as pastor was such an amazing process because Tim was able to come with confidence because of the work that God had been continually doing in his life.
Pastor Tim now flourishes in his God-given identity with his own television show, The Thread. Which he makes very very clear that it would never have been created without the dream, vision, and follow through of his friend and fellow show creator and producer, Virginia Kerr.
I’m so thrilled for you to hearn Pastor Tim’s account about how God shaped him through his journey from alcoholic teen, to tv news anchor, becoming a pastor, and then BACK to television to complete a bigger ministry than Tim (and Virginia) has ever done before. The Thread gives the gospel message at each and every episode and the mission and message of The Thread can be summed up in the verse John 13:34- “As I have loved you, love one another.”
I can’t wait for you to hear of the big dreams Pastor Tim has about the show! It’s his goal to tangibly reach individuals by means of live events and functions. Get ready to want to take part in all the fun and joy Pastor Tim wants to inspire in those who participate in The Thread!
Some things you may not know: The Thread is a show that is independent of FOX television network. Because people see Tim back on TV, they assume the show is funded by FOX. There have been moments where the show has needed financial and moral support. Pastor Tim has had bright moments where he sees God telling him that the show is doing work and there is fruit in his efforts. However, the show is funded independently and looks to outside support for viewers and donations. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the show needs support. Go to the website to support financially. And connect on Facebook and Instagram to interact with the show and it’s episodes.
The Thread will surely connect individuals and create a whole new level of community like we’ve never seen before!

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