Stephanie Haynes – Cultivating Peace

Stephanie Haynes is a lifestyle management coach, speaker, and author. But in a previous life she was a driven women striving for success and control while her life was falling to pieces.

In our time together, we discuss how Stephanie’s innate people pleasing nature and underlying anxiety fueled her toward a life of chaos. From the breakdown of who she saw herself as a professional, to her new role as a mom, and finally a surrender when her body told her that the chaos had to stop, Stephanie takes us on a journey of positive change. She reminds us that we are ALWAYS significant and worthy and purposeful no matter the circumstances.

During this time, I took the opportunity to openly say, “Yes, Stephanie, ME TOO!” Which I laugh at now, and I hope you’ll give me grace for spilling my own woes and self-diagnosis during the show. Hopefully, through my experience and Stephanie’s story you’ll see an opportunity to say ‘ME TOO’ and receive new perspective and freedom as well.